We believe you’ll appreciate your food more if you know where it’s from and how it was grown.
We select products from the best regions,prioritizing traditional varieties that are adapted both to the soil and climate. We are also in favour of crop rotation and we promote the development of hardy varieties as well as plant breeding.
We co-invest with our partners in tools for the first-stage processing of agricultural raw materials and we support producers through our sourcing teams in France and elsewhere to help them grow, transform and produce locally.
72% of our products are Made in France.
In an effort to ensure utmost transparency, Jardin BiO étic works with an independent organization (Bureau Veritas) to offer a recognized and regulated Made in France certification: Origine France Garantie (OFG). This logo is the assurance that 50 to 100% of the cost price of each product (ingredients, labour, packaging, etc.) is generated in France and that its main characteristics are French. To ensure further transparency, we also decided to specify which products are from France on the packaging! In 2021, Jardin BiO étic will therefore become the first national organic grocery brand to be OFG-certified for 50 everyday products.
Our objective? Offering 150 OFG-certified products by 2025!