The following GTCU apply to all services offered on this website (hereinafter the « Website ») and exclude any other conditions. The French version of these GTCU will prevail over any other language.
1. Information on the website:
Website publisher
This website is published by the following entity:
Groupe Léa Nature
23 Avenue Paul Langevin – CS 30004
17183 PERIGNY cedex
Tel.: 05 46 34 30 00 – Fax: 05 46 34 32 34 – Email:
La Rochelle TCR no. 409 957 529
SIRET no. 409 957 529 000 38
APE no. 7010 Z
Intracommunity VAT no. FR 93 409 957 529
Company capital: €11,455,767
Publishing director
Website host
94, rue Notre Dame
Bordeaux TCR B 429866601– APE 6190 Z
2. Absence of Guarantees Concerning the Content
Léa Nature strives to include exact and up-to-date information on this website but does not offer any guarantee regarding its contents. Regardless of the rigorous attention we pay to gathering information, some errors, omissions or inaccuracies may occur. In any case, and in terms of these GTCU, the User of this website and the information it contains recognizes that he/she is doing so under his/her exclusive responsibility. Léa Nature may not be held liable for any direct or indirect prejudice of any sort that may result from using this website. Similarly, Léa Nature does not offer any guarantee concerning the continuity, access to, operation and availability of this website and related services. Léa Nature does, however, make every effort to ensure the website remains accessible without any untimely interruptions. In any case, maintenance, security and other scheduled activities and/or unforeseeable events may cause temporary interruptions or other service issues.
As a reminder, accessing or using an information system fraudulently, impeding or modifying the operation of such a system, or fraudulently introducing or modifying data therein all constitute criminal offences sanctioned by the Penal Code.
3. Intellectual Property
All data of any nature and namely texts, graphics, logos, icons, images, audio or video clips, brands, software, website characteristics, including downloadable documents, are protected by copyrights, registered brands or patents. They are the exclusive property of Léa Nature or of third parties who have granted us their express authorization for use.
Access to the website does not imply that Léa Nature is granting any type of cession, license or any other sort of transfer of Léa Nature’s intellectual property right to the users.
Consequently, you may not in any case and in any form reproduce, represent, diffuse, modify, or grant any section or the entirety of any of the elements reproduced on the website, or any part or all of the website, without the prior express consent of Léa Nature.
Only the reproduction of texts on paper for private use is authorized subject to compliance with the following conditions: free distribution, ensuring the integrity of reproduced documents (no modifications or alternations), clear and visible citation of the source as follows: “Document obtained from an Internet website owned by Léa Nature. All reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.” For any other use, please contact us by email at the following address:
Any use that is not expressly authorized by Léa Nature or that is contrary to the conditions stated above constitutes a counterfeiting offence which is pursuable penally and/or civilly in terms of applicable legislation or regulations.
4. Hypertext Links
The insertion of a hypertext link to the website must have been expressly approved by Léa Nature beforehand.
Léa Nature may authorize the insertion of hyperlink texts redirecting towards the websites of some of its partners. Léa Nature, however, has no control over these websites and therefore declines any and all liability concerning the contents or information, services or products they might promote.
5. Data and Privacy
Regarding the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679 which came into effect on 25 May, 2018 in France and which modified law no. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 (known as the data freedom law), Léa Nature is considered as responsible for processing. Léa Nature agrees to fulfil all legal obligations concerning your personal data.
Léa Nature implements technical and legal measures as necessary to ensure the highest level of security and confidentiality to protect your privacy.
For more information, please refer to our policy regarding privacy protection.
6. Miscellaneous
Except for any specific provisions detailed in these GTCU, the User may send communications and/or complaints to Léa Nature. A form is available under the “Contact” page of the website allowing Users to contact Léa Nature directly.
7. Applicable Law
Before any litigation is engaged before state jurisdictions, the parties to these GTCU agree to implement all means necessary to resolve any disputes amiably.
In the absence of an amiable resolution between the parties of any dispute arising from the use of the website, it will be brought before the Tribunals of La Rochelle (17 – FRANCE) and will be subjected to national French law.
Any reproduction, use or modification of these GTCU, whether fraudulent or not, and/or without Léa Nature’s prior authorization may result in legal action by Léa Nature against the responsible person.
8. Photo Credits
Léa Nature