Jardin BiO étic
50 commitments

Since 1995, Jardin BiO has been a leader in organic food: our full range of organic groceries includes over 500 products and is available through medium and large retailers to respond to consumers’ needs each day.   

For over 25 years, Jardin BiO has offered high-quality organic and fair-trade products that are locally sourced whenever possible and produced with minimal processing, a lower carbon footprint and earth-friendly packaging.  

Our beliefs are the foundation upon which we build our actions to combine organic production with French or ethical supply chains.   

This is the reason why Jardin BiO has been renamed Jardin BiO étic – each of the four letters of this French word, meaning “ethical », corresponds to our four pillars that serve to guide the brand’s 50 commitments over the coming years. 

ETIC is therefore the acronym for an (E) Ethical Enterprisefor the development of (T) Territories and supply chains that are organic to ensure (I) Innocuous, healthful and nourishing products are delivered to consumers while protecting the (C) Climate and biodiversity 

Jardin BiO étic
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