“C” as in Climate and biodiversity

Each day, we express our commitment to contributing to a healthy, vigorous and fertile Earth through a myriad of small steps.

Through our actions, we have successfully reduced our petrol-based plastic packaging by 50% between 2015 and 2020. 

 Our ethical guarantee  

  • €6.6m donated to 1,000 projects
  • <1.5% weight in petroleum-based plastic packaging  
  • 1st brand to be 100% palm-oil-free (for over 500 products)

Jardin BiO étic, committed by nature

Jardin BiO étic has been a member of 1% for the Planet since 2007. In the past 13 years, together with our customers, we have donated over 6.6 million euros to support over 1,000 projects promoting environmental conservation and biodiversity. Today, we are the leading food brand in Europe to be a member of 1% for the Planet. 

Our environmental philanthropy is based on four main pillars:

  • We support projects focusing on ecological agriculture and social responsibility, by funding structures such as the Cocagne Gardens, a national network of shared gardens, Emmaüs agriculture and Terre de Liens which helps preserve farmland. 
  • We are taking part in structuring the ecological agriculture sector by funding regional and national agriculture federations, organic farming, regional associations for the development of farming and rural jobs (ARDEAR), and the preservation of seed varieties through the heirloom seeds network.   
  • We also support NGOs working to preserve the link between food, health and the environment, such as Inf’Ogm or Générations Futures. 
  • Finally, we also work with climate and biodiversity organizations, Réseau Action Climat (climate action network), Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux (bird protection) or Pur Projet. 

When you choose Jardin BiO étic products, you directly contribute to the funding of all these projects! 

Palm oil free 

Jardin BiO has been offering a complete range of palm-oil-free groceries, desserts and prepared foods since 2014. We have therefore replaced palm oil in all Jardin BiO étic products with coconut, shea or cocoa butter, rapessed or sunflower oil. 

A responsible brand with eco-designed products  

As an organic brand that is committed to the environment, the eco-design of our products is a major concern for us. This is also a fairly complex matter where it is sometimes necessary to make a choice between the practicality of the package and its environmental guarantees.  

Jardin BiO étic works to improve eco-design constantly and has already implemented a number of concrete measures:  

  • New: the protective film on our teas and herbals teas has been replaced with a compostable* film obtained from wood cellulose. 
  • Unbleached bags that are staple-free and compostable*. 
  • Plastic lids on our spreads were replaced with metal ones (a 27-ton per year reduction in plastic use). 
  • Development of a new line of 70 bulk products. 

* in compliance with ISO 14021 and EN 13432 standards 

Jardin BiO étic
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